Healing Prayer
Every month members of our Healer Prayer group pray for people on their personal list.
This is called intercession and those who pray are called intercessors. This dedicated prayer is central to the holding of individuals before God and carrying them on our hearts. Is this something that you would consider doing. Can you place a list by your sink, in your car, or by your bed and remember those on your personal list each day?
We meet for a short service once a month to meet together as intercessors to pray for all those on our lists. Please consider coming along or join with us online if you can. Again your prayer joined with those of others.
Prayer allows us to participate in the care of others through our words and thoughts. Lives are being strengthened and renewed each day through such prayers. It is a powerful way to make a difference and you can be involved.
Please email the parish office for more details parishoffice@leixlipunion.ie
Reverend Scott Peoples